Tuesday, October 31, 2017

School- 10/26/17 Updated- 10/31/17

Image result for school10/26/17-Welp, I just spent 30 minutes of my life walking in circles. On top of this I decided to waste more time and forgot to study for a huge test I have today which isn't good. I also decided to be a dumb human being and forget to fill out what I need to do in my assignment notebook.

10/31/17- Well today is Halloween which is always the best time of the year because even though I haven't dressed up since 6th grade I still get free candy. Why you ask? Well, I just steal all of my brother's candy when they get home because who really needs all that candy. Certainly not a bunch of already hyper boys. On top of this I love looking at other people's costumes and I got scared on the bus today which is always fun.

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