Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Image result for fear of public speakingYou would think this week would be a nice easy and relaxing week before we get out of school for a bunch of days, but its not. Today I have the state constitution test which should be easy but I am a natural worrier so I am going to be stressing about it for the rest of the day. Then we have to present our papers in ELA. Which would be okay if my biggest fear wasn't public speaking. Then we also have to present our assessments for Math in front of the class Thursday. Then I also got into the school spelling bee which is cool but that still goes for my fear. I am hoping that I do good on everything but you never know. Sorry I know that it sounds like I am complaining (I totally am) but I just wish that we didn't have all of this before winter break. It could be worse though I could have not studied or finished even though I did.

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