Thursday, December 7, 2017

Ummmmm..... P.E.

Image result for gator skin ballsWho knows what this post is going to be about? Probably nothing important just like my life. Today in P.E. we played this game called one base kickball. We played a game like this last year but we had to hit the ball with a bat and then run. I actually kicked the ball and ran at just the right time but we already had two outs. Somebody who will not be named (cough cough Matthew cough cough) decided to kick the ball while we were on base which was then counted as an interference. That then made us get our last out for the team which was bad for us but good for the other team. It's alright though because I am pretty sure that we weren't going to win anyways. I tried to catch a ball but I failed because it sort of just hit my hand and fell which stinks.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that happened, but it was good for our team.:)
