Tuesday, August 28, 2018

High School

Image result for high schoolSo a lot of things have changed which I already knew would happen because the one thing that is constant in life is change. I'm now taking Spanish class which is interesting to say the least because I barley know any of the language so that's been interesting to say the least. Most of the time it's overwhelming, but hopefully that will get better as the rest of the year comes. Then we have to do typing in computers which is the worst part of the class only because usually when you type you are typing what you want to, but you don't get to when you are on a keyboarding website. In all the other classes we haven't started to do anything big or scary yet even though I do get homework in math every night, but it happens. The only really big thing is that we are doing a book report that is going to be due in October and I am going to be reading The Coroner for it. Then homecoming is going to also be in October so I am going dress shopping labor day weekend which should be fun as long as we find dresses right away. Anyway that's about it besides the fact that we also get 3 different lockers which is weird.

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