Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Sophomore Year of High School

         Sophomore year so far has been something else. So far this is probably one of the most stressful years of school that I have ever had. Mostly because I'm doing Spanish online and we have a lot more different projects due. Right now second quarter is coming to an end and I still haven't finished my bio project completely that is due this Friday. I'm sure that I'll get it done, but it just ain't it at the moment. I also just finished my short story which I am extremely proud of especially since I changed my idea 20 million times. I still have to correct some stuff and turn in the final draft, but that is the least of my concerns at the moment.
         This year we had to do Spanish online as Ms. Harshman left at the end of last year. It's challenging in a lot of ways considering I tend to procrastinate sometimes. Also it isn't the best because you're not getting taught face to face which makes it harder in some aspects. On top of that it's hard at times considering I didn't even know anything about Spanish grammar until this year. The teacher had expected us to know a lot more information than we actually did which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does make it more challenging at times.
          My favorite class this year would probably have to be Information Processing. It's my favorite class for many reasons. The class is taught by my favorite teacher and there is a total 6 of us in the class. 4 of them happen to be Abigail, Ruby, Sydney, and me which always makes for an interesting class period. In this class we fold and make the programs and other random tasks the school needs us to do. When we aren't busy with that stuff we learn more about computers and 1st quarter we learned more about photoshop. 
         Another class that all 4 of us have together happens to be English which is where Abigail and I never have any creative ideas. We don't know what it is about it, but Abigail and I have a hard time writing anything when we're in his room. Maybe it's because the class is in the morning or something, but we never have any good writing ideas until we are in a completely different room. Sydney and Ruby can usually work in his room, but Abigail and I just sit there asking each other why the sky is blue. We try and we don't succeed. Even though I did end up writing my introduction and conclusion for my research paper in his room which I was extremely proud of. Also I helped Abigail with her introduction in his room so who knows. We also have journals that we do every day which I am going to try to stop procrastinating on this year. 
        This year I am going to be getting my licence, but as of now I am still driving with Mr. Bushnell which hasn't be hard. It was more stressfull on the first day because I had never even met him before and it was also different to be driving with somebody who I had never driven with before. I've been driving everyday and I think I'm doing pretty good. My parking isn't the best, but otherwise I have been doing pretty good. Also the driver's ed car is almost exactly like my car so that was a nice bonus. Even though the brake on the driver's ed car is really high up compared to my car. 

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Freshmen Year of High School

Image result for high school lockers                 So freshmen year was quite and experience. It was a lot of work and a lot of nights crying over homework and other things. Even though it has taken a lot out of me I am happy that I get to experience new things. I have gotten my permit and am trying not to make everybody scared of me when they see me behind the wheel. As the year is almost over a lot of stuff is thankfully winding down. I only have to write one more big paper for my English teacher and I have only a few more big tests that I have to take. I have learned some Spanish and am able to read a lot of simple Spanish words with little to no difficulty. I had to do pep band this year which I wasn't aware of till I actually ended up doing it. I enjoy all of my teachers which is something that I was really worried about before since I had been with my old teachers for 3 whole years of my life. On a side note I had to take the pre-SATS and that was the most boring and stressful experience of my life. We aren't allowed to do anything after the test so you don't cheat and other things like that but it stinks because you just sit there for however long you have left for the test. At least I wasn't even close to as stressed out as most of the juniors probably were. The most proud accomplishment of this whole year was that I did the whole mile and I mean the WHOLE mile in 10 minutes and 47 seconds.
                  Life is all about growing up and changing and high school is just one of those things that happen along the way. Eventually I am going to have to go without seeing all of my friends that might not even be my friends 3 years from now but at least I have the memories. One day I am going to look back at these years and at this blog. The whole time older me is going to want to cry like I want to when I look back at the things that I wrote when I was just a young little 6th grader. Hopefully, I will only want to cry when looking at this post because I will be wishing that life wouldn't have flown by so fast.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

High School

Image result for high schoolSo a lot of things have changed which I already knew would happen because the one thing that is constant in life is change. I'm now taking Spanish class which is interesting to say the least because I barley know any of the language so that's been interesting to say the least. Most of the time it's overwhelming, but hopefully that will get better as the rest of the year comes. Then we have to do typing in computers which is the worst part of the class only because usually when you type you are typing what you want to, but you don't get to when you are on a keyboarding website. In all the other classes we haven't started to do anything big or scary yet even though I do get homework in math every night, but it happens. The only really big thing is that we are doing a book report that is going to be due in October and I am going to be reading The Coroner for it. Then homecoming is going to also be in October so I am going dress shopping labor day weekend which should be fun as long as we find dresses right away. Anyway that's about it besides the fact that we also get 3 different lockers which is weird.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fruit Syrup

Image result for fruit syrupCan we talk about the fact that there is actually a thing called fruit syrup. Like I was the only person that had never even heard of this stuff. Everyone was talking about putting on their pancakes instead of regular maple syrup. I'm not good with change and I actually want to cry because what even is this. Apparently this stuff is popular because everyone but a select few people know what it is. Also who just decided to make this stuff one day because I need to have a talk about how long the stuff has actually been around. Then I was told that it was sort of like jam but it's not actually jam which is also sketchy. I don't approve of whatever this monstrosity is.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

School Stuff

Image result for holocaust museum chicagoWe get to go to the holocaust museum next Monday which should be pretty cool. The only problem is that they don't drop off in Sheldon anymore so my dad will probably have to come get me right after work. Which stinks because he is probably going to smell like paint but what do you do. Then we only have to go to school for two days (not including museum) and we get our spring break.

Tiny Kitchen

Image result for tastemade tiny kitchen3/20/18
The real question is why am I so obsessed with watching people make tiny food? It's just so amusing because they use an actual tiny kitchen which is always awesome. I probably wouldn't have enough patience to actually make any of the food that they make, but it's still fun to watch. They also have 12 seasons of this show so it must be semi-popular especially for them to make all of those seasons. What has my life come to is also a question I feel like I should be asking myself daily.

10/10 would still recommend watching Tiny Kitchen because it is actually the best thing ever and it isn't blocked.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

100th post & Crying

Image result for 100 \This is the 100th post that I have posted on this page. I am extremely proud of myself only because I don't think I have committed to anything as much as writing about my life. Anyway I also showed up to school with my hair soaked because it was raining outside. Why am I so dumb sometimes? Like why couldn't I have just worn a jacket with a hood? We also don't have a teacher right now.. Never mind Mr. Leonard just walked in. It's all good now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Fudgin' Headphones

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So I have had these headphones for maybe 6 months, and I know for sure that one of the ear buds on right side only worked for about one week after I got them. So today I am just wanting to listen to music on the bus in the morning and it turns out that neither of the ear buds are working now. Like I thought I had given them a good proper home inside my book bag pocket, but apparently not because it's now dead. Then I had another pair of headphones in my bag, but they are crappy ones that cost me maybe a dollar at the dollar tree. I am debating cutting up the dead headphones, but I am probably going to forget about it.

So I am now using my little brothers headphones which is cool and all but they take over my phone. For example I will plug the headphones in to my phone and every time it makes my phones volume go crazy. Like I am pretty sure that it isn't supposed to do that but whatever. Pretty certain that they are possessed or something like that because what they do to my phone.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tests and........ Children

Image result for scared children clipart
I feel like the 3rd grade class that I help teach doesn't like me. To be honest I am not even sure if they all even know/remember my name. Then on top of this I feel like I am being stabbed repeatedly in my stomach. Then I still have to both finish Math homework and study for Science which is always fun. I need to start going to bed earlier, but then again I always say that and yet here I am. I also still need to find a new book because I don't really care for the book I am reading now. Today we got to meet with the dude that gives us our class gear which is pretty cool.

So I have learned that some of the kids like me more than others. I also learned that some kids pronounce my name as Danelle. That's better than them not liking me though so I guess I will just have to live with it. Also apparently some kid thinks that I have Indian in me. The real question is how can kids just talk with people they barley know? Like can you give me some of that confidence that you have.

Sometimes I feel very awkward just standing there staring at some of the kids, but it's all good because they don't seem to freaked out. Also today I got to do math while they were doing some reading strategies and like can I go back to 3rd grade. Then this one girl (Keara) comes up to me every day and gives me a hug which makes me feel better about watching them and teaching them things.

Some of the other kids have warmed up to me by now which is the best thing that has happened in my life so far. I can obviously tell which ones don't like me that much but it's chill since I like all of them. Also one of the kids likes to tell me that he has Pokemon cards in his pocket.

Today was actually a pretty good day with the 3rd graders. Keara didn't want me to go and just hugged me until I finally had to leave which is different because usually most of them are trying to push me out of the door. The only bad thing that happened was I had to read Because of Winn Dixie chapter four twice because they were both absent the other day. Then again I liked the story when I was younger so it wasn't the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

Today was the last day with my third graders and I want to cry because I will probably not ever see them again and if I do see them they are going to be fourth graders. Also we did a huge group hug thing which again made me want to cry.

I really miss them and wish that I was able to help them with all of their homework even though they probably don't even remember me anymore which stinks. It's okay though because they are still the best kids in the world. Most of them are 4th graders now and are going to be 5th graders soon which makes me feel older than I actually am.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Ummmmmm........ Birthday & Rant

Image result for outsideMy birthday was Friday of last week which is probably one of the worst days of the week to have your birthday. Only because of the fact that you are just waiting for the last bell to ring and get out of class but that's about it. Let's talk about the fact that a lot of old people always talk about how kids never go outisde, but when kids do go outside old people complain that kids never want to hang out with people. Like clam down dude and decide what you want to do with your life.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Ummmmm... Last Day

Image result for see you next yearWelp, today is the last day of school for the rest of this year. It's crazy that another year has gone by and my birthday is just around the corner in January. I can't wait to make the joke that I will see them all next year to my other classmates. Whoops... I know that joke is old but I always say it again and again.

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Image result for presentationsI got a really good grade on my state Constitution test. I presented in ELA yesterday because the cards of death made me do it sadly. I guess it wasn't to bad the only problem was I kept skipping over words but that was just because I was nervous. The good thing is that I don't have to present in math because my math teacher said she wouldn't make the kids that did the tests present. Today is going to be an easy day because all we are going to do is listen to people read their papers then I am guessing that we get a free day for the rest of class. We also are just reading some newspaper article in Social Studies and listening to more presentations in Math.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Image result for fear of public speakingYou would think this week would be a nice easy and relaxing week before we get out of school for a bunch of days, but its not. Today I have the state constitution test which should be easy but I am a natural worrier so I am going to be stressing about it for the rest of the day. Then we have to present our papers in ELA. Which would be okay if my biggest fear wasn't public speaking. Then we also have to present our assessments for Math in front of the class Thursday. Then I also got into the school spelling bee which is cool but that still goes for my fear. I am hoping that I do good on everything but you never know. Sorry I know that it sounds like I am complaining (I totally am) but I just wish that we didn't have all of this before winter break. It could be worse though I could have not studied or finished even though I did.